Who Are The Kids?
Foster children are much like any other kids.
But through no fault of their own, they can no longer live with their parents because it isn’t safe. All of our children have experienced some level or abuse or neglect. They need someone to step in and take care of them while their parents work to repair their lives.
They need someone to trust.
Hamilton County currently has custody of about 1,300 children in foster care. About 800 of those children live with a foster family. They come from a variety of ethnicities, backgrounds, neighborhoods and economic circumstances.
They range in age from just a few days old to teenagers. Currently, the median age of our foster children is 7. Many are a part of sibling groups we strive to keep together.
Because of the unhealthy family situations they have been exposed to, some of our foster children have physical, emotional or mental challenges. Some struggle to learn in school and others have trouble relating to their peers.
But all of the foster children in agency care need what all kids need: to have a childhood filled with love and understanding.